Monday, November 29, 2010


Bolt Bridge, Ontario 2009. This was taken during an extended frost in the area that allowed me the time to travel around during an entire afternoon and find crisp frosty trees like these ones.

Winter always in the past has brought a meager halt to my photography. As I would look outside all I would see is gray. Gray cloudless skies and dull snow banks piled with dirt from cars. Sad people wandering around and a sun that set much to early for my likings.
However, it feels different this year. Perhaps my photographic vision has finally matured a little and now winter looks different. Where I once saw gray I know see deep shades of blue and wisps of white. I see the sun blazing through the clouds like a spot light, showing off barns and fences and groves. Making a showcase of a gray land that is lit for moments at a time and then lost again, like God's highlight show of the season.
And I, a spectator. Learning to be quicker on the draw.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Brian & Shannon's Wedding

It was a rainy day but Brian and Shannon were still able to enjoy the day with friends and family and even get out for a surprise carriage ride through the city.

Friday, November 5, 2010

This family picked the best weekend of the autumn season to get great foliage colors.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Morning Glory Bed and Breakfast

Morning Glory B&B had a beautiful ponds and stream like water way around the one side of it. Very relaxing to walk around.

The B&B is made from an old blacksmith shop that was renovated. Very private and wonderful breakfast.

the reason this place was called morning glory was because of the beautiful light in the morning.

A painted turtle in one of the ponds

Some of the trail that is around the ponds. With several sitting places to relax.

fall time was a great time to visit here.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Freestyle Photography

I had the opportunity to photograph my friends family who is a fun and active bunch. Because they have small children it was easier to take the shots in their backyard.
These are a couple good shots mixed in with a few blooper shots. More good shots will be one the way but these were pretty comical that I had to share.
The husband wanted to make a unique pose from Star Wars. His wife is of the same sense of humor. A great bunch.

a blooper pic that is just cute.

i love this angle and how their kids were running around. It was funny because the kids had no intention of joining their parents but made for fun shots. This is a "blooper pic" but we got some good ones that didn't include the ladder I was on.
Over all I really enjoyed this shoot. We did get a couple good family shots in the end of it all. I don't know if I'd do this freestyle of photography with kids again as much as try to think up some games that would coral them into a smaller area. Great experience though. More photos later on to come.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fashion Shoot

Adding to my stock rep is Melissa. A great amateur model. She did a fabulous job as our "rocker woman".

Thank you Melissa for your wonderful enthusiasm.

More of these shots will be available to be viewed at in the near future.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Snap to It

At this time of year our yard can be a mix of seasonal items, all waiting to be put away before the snow flies. I decided to get out and get some fresh air while my boy was napping.

This little trike reminds me of one I had when I was young.

Our garden is currently covered in pumkins. We have about 5 of those giganto pumpkins. Not sure exactly what we're going to do with them. Just thought we'd try growing them.

And lastly, our Castor beans are bright red. That's probably a good warning sign as Castor beans are poisonous to eat.